Wi-Fi Deauther

Deauthentication is a frame sent from the user's device to the access point to De-Establish a connection with a network.
This process doesn't need an encryption which enables us various use cases, as we'll see below. This act of disconnecting a device from an access point can be used for removing a device from connecting to a personal WiFi, leaving the hotel's provided WiFi Un-used.

NODEMCU ESP12/ESP 8266 with a micro-USB port is best to use.ESP 8266 and a micro-USB cable are the only requirements.

Download the .bin file from

Upload it using the ESP8266 flash tool of your choice:

- nodemcu-flasher [Windows only] "RECOMMENDED"

  • Select the COM Port of the Board
  • Click on the config tab and select the .bin file you have downloaded
  • Click on the operation tab and finally click on Flash

- esptool-gui [Windows, MacOS]


- esptool [Windows, MacOS, Linux]
Follow These Steps
  •  Power up ESP8266 using OTG cable, Powerbank.
  •  Scan for Wi-Fi networks From your Device (Android/Windows/Linux) and connect to pwned. The password is “deauther”.
  •  Once connected, Open up your browser and go to
Author: Aswathaman
